Monday, December 6, 2010

FREE EBOOK: EXERCISE WORKBOOK for Beginning AutoCAD (82 Pages)

Table of Contents
About this book Intro-1
About the Author Intro-1
Configuring your system Intro-2
Customizing your Wheel Mouse Intro-7
Lesson 1
Part 1. Understanding Computers 1-2
A Brief History of Computers & Software 1-2
Hardware 1-2
Software 1-3
Computer sizes and capabilities 1-4
What is a Clone? 1-4
Part 2. What is CAD? 1-5
Computer Aided Design 1-5
Why should you use CAD? 1-5
Why use AutoCAD? 1-5
Part 3. Buying your first computer 1-5
Part 4. AutoCAD system requirements 1-6
Starting AutoCAD 1-7
Using AutoCAD’s HELP system 1-8
Quick Help, on the Info Palette 1-9
Lesson 2
Create a Template 2-2
Opening a Template 2-4
Getting familiar with the AutoCAD Window 2-5
Drawing Area 2-5
Crosshairs / Cursor 2-5
Command Line 2-6
Status Line 2-6
UCS Icon 2-7
Origin 2-7
Function Keys 2-7
Special Key Functions 2-7
Pull-down Menu Bar 2-8
Dialog Box 2-8
Toolbars 2-9
Palettes 2-10
Methods of entering commands 2-11
Shortcut menus 2-11
Drawing Lines 2-11
Erase 2-13
Methods of selecting objects 2-14
Starting a new drawing 2-15
Saving a drawing 2-16
Back up Files 2-17
Opening an existing drawing file 2-18
Exiting AutoCAD 2-19
Exercises 2-20
Lesson 3
Circle 3-2
Rectangle 3-4
Undo and Redo 3-6
Drafting settings 3-7
Layers 3-8
Exercises 3-10
Lesson 4
Object snap 4-2
Running Object snap 4-4
Drawing setup 4-5
Drawing Limits 4-5
Units and Precision 4-6
Zoom 4-7
Exercises 4-8
Lesson 5
Polygon 5-2
Ellipse 5-3
Donut 5-4
Point 5-5
More object snaps 5-6
Exercises 5-7
Lesson 6
Break 6-2
Trim 6-4
Extend 6-5
Move 6-6
Explode 6-7
Exercises 6-8
Lesson 7
Copy 7-2
Mirror 7-3
Fillet 7-4
Chamfer 7-5
Exercises 7-7
Lesson 8
Single line text 8-2
Multiline text 8-4
Tabs 8-6
Indents 8-7
Line spacing 8-8
Editing text 8-9
Background Mask 8-10
Scale text 8-11
Exercises 8-12
Lesson 9
Coordinate input 9-2
Absolute and Relative 9-3
Direct Distance Entry 9-5
Inquiry 9-6
List, Distance, Locate Point 9-6
Lineweights 9-7
Exercise 9-8
Basic Plotting from Model Space 9-9
More Exercises 9-13
Lesson 10
Moving the Origin 10-2
Displaying the UCS icon 10-3
Exercises 10-4
Lesson 11
Polar Coordinate Input 11-2
Polar Tracking 11-3
Using Polar Tracking and DDE entry 11-4
Polar snap 11-5
Using Polar Tracking and Polar snap 11-6
Exercises 11-7
Lesson 12
Offset 12-2
Editing with the Properties Palette 12-3
Exercises 12-5
Lesson 13
Array 13-2
Rectangular 13-3
Polar 13-4
Exercises 13-6
Lesson 14
Scale 14-2
Stretch 14-3
Rotate 14-4
Exercises 14-5
Lesson 15
Hatch 15-2
Gradient Fills 15-7
Editing hatch 15-9
Exercises 15-10
Lesson 16
True Associative Dimensioning 16-2
Grips 16-4
Linear 16-5
Baseline 16-5
Continue 16-6
Dimension styles 16-7
Creating dimension styles 16-8
Compare two dimension styles 16-11
Ignore Hatch Objects 16-12
Exercises 16-13
Lesson 17
Editing dimension text values 17-2
Editing dimension position 17-3
Modify an entire dimension style 17-4
Override a dimension style 17-5
Editing a dimension using properties 17-6
Exercises 17-7
Lesson 18
Radial dimensioning 18-2
Diameter dimensioning 18-2
Radius dimensioning 18-3
Angular dimensionig 18-4
Center mark 18-5
Creating a dimension sub-style 18-6
Exercises 18-7
Lesson 19
Aligned dimensioning 19-2
Leader 19-3
Special Text Characters 19-5
Prefix and Suffix 19-6
Exercises 19-7
Lesson 20
Quick dimensioning 20-2
Editing multiple dimensions 20-4
Exercises 20-6
Lesson 21
Match Properties 21-2
Creating a Revision Cloud 21-3
Convert a closed object into a Revision Cloud 21-4
Revision Cloud Style 21-5
Wipeout 21-6
Exercises 21-7
Lesson 22
Arc 22-2
Exercises 22-3
Lesson 23
Polyline 23-2
Exercises 23-4
Lesson 24
Editing Polylines 24-2
Exercises 24-3
Lesson 25
Creating new text styles 25-2
Changing text styles 25-4
Divide 25-5
Measure 25-6
Exercises 25-7
Lesson 26
Serious Business 26-2
Creating New Layers 26-3
Loading a Linetype 26-4
Layer control definitions 26-5
Model and Layout tabs 26-6
Viewports 26-7
How to create a page setup for Paperspace 26-11
How to plot from Paperspace 26-15
Setting the Pick Box size 26-18
Exercises 26-19
Lesson 27
Creating / Plotting Scaled Drawings 27-2
Adjusting the scale inside a viewport 27-6
Calculating the Drawing Scale Factor 27-7
How DSF affects Text 27-8
How DSF affects Hatch 27-9
How DSF affects Dimensioning 27-10
Trans-spatial dimensions 27-11
Linetype scale 27-12
Exercises 27-13
Lesson 28
Creating blocks 28-2
Inserting 28-4
Presetting the Insertion Point, Scale or Rotation 28-5
Re-defining and Purging 28-6
Exercise 28-7
Lesson 29
Pan 29-2
Exercise 29-4
Lesson 30
Exercise 30-2
A Add a Printer / Plotter
B Dimension Style Definitions
C Assign Lineweights to colors

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